

Cyber ​​Attack On Ukraine: Hackers Attack The Facebook Accounts Of Ukrainian Officials

Meta reports attacks on profiles of high-ranking military officials, politicians and a journalist from Ukraine. A Russian hacker group is said to be responsible.

Hackers have attacked the Facebook accounts of several public figures in Ukraine. This was announced by the owner of Facebook, the company Meta. Among those affected are high-ranking military representatives, politicians and a journalist. Meta did not name the victims.

The attack was due to a group known as Ghostwriters. According to Meta, there have been attempts to reach people on Facebook with YouTube videos depicting Ukrainian troops as weakened.

Network of inauthentic accounts blocked

At the same time, Meta announced that in the past 48 hours a network of around 40 fake accounts, groups and pages from Facebook and Instagram had been deleted and blocked for "coordinated inauthentic behavior". According to meta information, this network was also active on other platforms, including YouTube, Twitter, Telegram and VK.

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The aim was apparently to spread false information from Russia and Ukraine. Attempts were made to portray Ukraine as a failed state. The US short message service Twitter also blocked more than a dozen accounts from Russia and blocked the sharing of various links.

YouTube Shorts

The Ghostwriter hacker group is assigned to Russia. Among other things, she is said to be responsible for the attack on the German Bundestag in March last year. The federal government suspected Russian military intelligence behind the group.

Social media plays a central role in Russia's attack on Ukraine . As recently as Friday, Russia restricted access to Facebook after the network refused to stop its independent fact-checking of Russian media news.

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