The video game industry has proven to be tremendously profitable during the 2020 pandemic : everyone has turned on the console or computer or mobile at some point to kill time at home.
But since not everyone is willing to invest in a console to play games, companies such as Microsoft, Google or Amazon are investing millions in developing platforms to play via streaming , that is, without a console, computer or telephone. In other words, do with video games what Netflix has done with film and television.
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No wonder, then, that Netflix wants to be ' the Netflix of video games '. As published by Axios and Bloomberg , there is little left for this to become a reality: the company has created a division dedicated to video games and has also made several strategic signings to nurture it.
At the moment, there is no confirmed title, but everything indicates that Netflix will have both its own production based on its original series and movies , as well as video games developed by third parties and that will be available on its platform. It would be a similar model to the one that already presents its series and films.
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With a subscribed user base of over 200 million , the potential for your entry into the video game industry is immense. However, Netflix may suffer the same fate as other big names in the world of technology and content, since neither Google or Amazon themselves have yet managed to succeed in this world.
The first information indicates that the objective of Netflix is something more similar to what Apple Arcade is, a selection of simple but charming mobile games; than trying to compete with the three big brands in the video game industry: PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo.
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Netflix has very good relations with the video game industry. One of his main series in recent years, The Witcher, although it is based on the books of the Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski ; they are more influenced by video games developed by CD Projekt RED.
In turn, Netflix has developed original series and movies about such veteran video game sagas as Castlevania or Resident Evil . Cuphead, Sonic The Hedgehog and FarCry are other video game sagas on which Netflix is producing new audiovisual content.
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Netflix's entry into the video game industry is not surprising. In the past, the great executives of the company have highlighted that popular titles such as Fortnite are their great rivals, ahead of Disney or HBO, since they are the ones that steal the most hours of time from their potential consumers.
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