

Google Changes The Way You Log In To Gmail: Your Password Will Not Be Enough

Google Changes The Way You Log In To Gmail, Entering your Gmail password on a computer, mobile or tablet will not be enough to access your email or other Google services. the corporate has announced during a statement that it'll "soon" begin to "automatically implement two-step authentication for all users."

Two-step authentication is a further layer of security that's intended to verify that whoever is entering a password is really the owner of a Google account.

Its operation is comparatively simple. because the internet giant itself explains on its blog, users "have to verify that they're really them with an easy tap on a Google message sent to their mobile."

For most users this is often a useful measure since it represents another difficulty within the face of an unauthorized person (an acquaintance who has acknowledged their password or a cybercriminal who has discovered it through a leak or massive hack ) can access the victim's Google account and with it sensitive information like emails, contact list, photographs, etc.

However, for a few users this alteration are often alittle inconvenience since, in most cases, they're going to got to carry their mobile with them to verify their identity. Something not always possible in situations of trouble or emergency where we've to attach from the pc or mobile of a lover .


For the overwhelming majority of users, two-step authentication may be a great way to guard email and social media accounts, and its activation process is straightforward and free.

If you would like to manually activate this function , you want to access your Gmail account by entering your name and username and password within the normal way. Once the access has been achieved, you want to click on the icon with 9 points that's within the upper right corner of your screen and a drop-down will open. Within this menu , you want to select the account option (which will normally be the primary one to appear).

Once inside the "account" section, you want to select the "security" option on the left side of your screen to then search for the "Sign in to Google" menu.

Within this menu, the "two-step verification" option will appear, which can allow us to configure this feature in our Google account.


The passwords of many users are posted on the web and are available to scammers and cybercriminals without their rightful owners knowing.

Fortunately, there's an easy thanks to know if our password has been compromised in some sort of hack or leak. This check is straightforward , free and therefore the process won't take quite 30 seconds .

To do this, you want to access the web site haveibeenpwned.com . Once inside, you'll find an enquiry bar during which it asks us to enter our mobile (which we must write in international format) or the e-mail address whose security we would like to see .

Next, we must click on the "pwned? " Button and wait a couple of seconds for the results. the web site itself will check the e-mail entered and therefore the mobile with the many previously filtered accounts and can tell us if our email or phone has been compromised at any time.

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