Hand gesture gloves have been invented that will make it easier for deaf people to understand
According to the American News Agency, sensors have been installed in all four fingers and thumb boxes of the glove which will enable the translation of words, phrases or letters played with gestures in American Sign Language.
After paying for a word or phrase with a gesture, the message will be transmitted to the smartphone at a speed of one word per second through the sensors. After the transfer, the relevant word or phrase will be paid as voice over the phone.
The glove was made by scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
It aims to facilitate speech and communication for the hearing impaired. Jin China, the project's lead researcher, said he hoped it would make it easier for sign language users to communicate with people unfamiliar with the language. In addition, this glove will help you to learn sign language more easily.
Researchers say that the device also uses highly sensitive sensors to test the device, which will also detect word signals in American sign language with the help of eyebrow and mouth movement impressions.
About one million people in the United States use American sign language, while the British method of sign language is more common in English-speaking countries.
The world's 70 million deaf people use more than 300 sign language, but the glove only interprets the American sign language.
Experts hope to make it usable in other languages in the future.