

Hologram Beam Technology Also Allows 'Almost Real Meetings' With The Dead

US portal INC claims to have developed a device equipped with phone booth-sized hologram technology that will allow consumers to enjoy almost real-life encounters not only with the living but also with the dead.

According to the World News Agency, compared to Zoom and other video chats, a technology has now emerged that allows users to speak not only with a hologram equal to another person's height, but also with a historical figure or their deceased loved one. You can also talk with a recorded hologram.

Former US President Ronald Reagan's hologram maker Nass Bau, who is now part of the Portal INC team, told the media that at first we introduced the holograms of military personnel stationed in remote areas or abroad to their families. And with the help of this technology, couples who had social contact during the Corona epidemic were also united.

With this technology, when talking to someone, users will feel as if they are talking to a recorded hologram and can see their presence as well as their body language. It will feel very real.

According to Nassau, the current price of this device starts at $60. The technology can also be used in museums to allow tourists to question the hologram of a historical figure.

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