

China Develops World's Most Advanced Firefighting Drone

A Chinese flying taxi company, has developed the world's most advanced firefighting drone, which also has fire extinguishers, a laser guidance system and a rapid water and foam disposal system. The drone can easily reach buildings in narrow areas and their highest floors.  

The drone, dubbed the Hague 216F, is the first to go in front of any building and monitor the situation with its ten-zoom camera. With this he sets his target with a laser. If the windows of the burning house are closed, it throws fire extinguishing bombs that go inside and reduce the fire by emitting carbon dioxide gas.

A drone has a total of six fire-extinguishing bombs and can throw fire-fighting foam and water from a distance of ten meters. The drone also has a window-breaking system that makes it easier to control the fire.

Earlier in May, E-Hang Company had received approval from Chinese Civil Aviation to fly air taxis. But its second invention, the firefighting drone, can carry up to 150 liters of foam and can operate up to five kilometers from its location.

Modern cameras help identify building fires. In China alone, there have been more than 200,000 wildfires in 2019. The drone can extinguish fire at an altitude of 600 feet and launch an immediate operation.

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