

Monster X | Make Your Home A Power Plant!

A large section of 3rd World is suffering from summer load shedding with generators, inverters, UPS and solar system. But a brand new invention can cure all our sorrows. This domestic power plant has been named Monster X which can be called the generator of the 21st century.

The invention, which was placed on a crowdfunding website on the Internet, has received hundreds of times more than its target in a limited period of time and is now in production. It has countless amazing features including 2000 watts of power output, 1700 watts of power and the ability to charge 11 devices at a time and even an electric car.

Monster X is being sold with a lifetime guarantee

It can run many home appliances for hours at a time, from refrigerators to irons, and can also be charged from a solar panel. It has four fast charging USB ports, four electrical outputs for the walls and two 60-watt PDUSBC ports. While the lithium ion battery is being given a lifetime warranty which is also the best battery in the world. Its battery is modeled on Tesla technology and has a lifetime warranty.

Monster X, on the other hand, is not as heavy as a generator, but can be easily carried anywhere. Another important point is that it can be run through an app.

Monster X also has a UPS facility and it continues to flow automatically in the event of a power failure. Thanks to its special circuit, the Monster X accumulates electricity very quickly. Thanks to the special design of the engineers, it does not suffer from wear and tear and lasts for years.

Three way charging

MonsterX can be charged in three different ways. It can be charged with 200 watt DC, 400 watt AC and 200 watt solar mode. Either way, 100% charging takes two hours. Although it provides 110 volts of electricity, it can also be converted to current voltages in other parts of the world.

It is priced at $1,000 (USD) with a 100-watt solar panel and delivery will begin next August

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